Our Beliefs

A Confessional Church

Our ultimate foundation is Holy Scripture. This means that the Bible is our only ultimate authority. All of our doctrines and practices must conform to it. In other words, we will change our doctrine if we can be shown that it’s not biblical, but we will never change the Bible.

Every church has doctrinal beliefs, even if they are not written down. We think that it is best to write them down and be transparent. That way, they can be tested against Scripture. We also think doctrinal statements give us stability, since they keep us from changing with the latest cultural fad. They provide our leadership with accountability and keep our pastor from imposing a hobby-horse upon us. They give us a clear focal point: the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Our confessions also provide an opportunity for church unity. They prevent internal power-struggles and fights, because we know what unites us, and we are free to disagree about things that are not in our confessions.

That said, we believe that the teaching of the Bible is faithfully summarized in the ecumenical Creeds (2nd-7th c. AD) and Three Forms of Unity.  The teaching of the Bible is deep and cannot be communicated on a bumper-sticker.  Therefore, we invite you to take your time and carefully read and consider the teaching of Holy Scripture, which is found in the following documents.

Locating our roots in the Ancient Church, we confess the ecumenical Creeds:

What makes us Reformed is our commitment to the Three Forms of Unity: