Sunday Worship

Join Us

Green Township Senior Center
(a community center, not a nursing home)

3620 Epley Lane | Cincinnati OH, 42547

Note: We are in the process of renovating our first church building and expect to move in on April 1, 2025. Therefore, join us at the Senior Center for the time being.

10:00-11:30am | Communion Service

11:45am-12:15pm | Catechism Service
(We hold a Catechism Class for children during the Catechism Service; see below for an explanation.)

What can I expect in your worship service?

When you attend Ascension Reformed Church, you will discover that our worship is filled with the Bible. It is read, prayed, preached, and sung. Given that Christ is the center of Scripture, you will hear the Gospel of grace each week.  It alone answers the condemnation of God’s Law and empowers us to begin keeping that Law. In short, we are biblical, gospel-centered, and Christ-centered.

We understand that worship is an event in which God renews His covenant with His church. This means that you will take part in the back-and-forth dialogue between God and His People. God addresses us with His word and we respond to Him together with confession, prayer, and praise.

Our worship does not conform to today’s trends and fads, which come and go, although we do incorporate modern hymns alongside Psalms and older hymns. We believe that the church and its worship should transcend generations and cultures, so we structure our worship in a way that resembles that of our spiritual forefathers, those of the synagogues (pre-Christ), the Ancient Church, and the Reformation.

We take the Lord’s Supper each week, because we believe that God gives spiritual nourishment when the bread and wine are received by faith. Read more about our celebration of the Lord’s Supper and who is admitted to the Table by clicking here.

How should I dress when I attend Ascension Reformed Church?

Neither informality nor formality are virtues in and of themselves. Rather, dress in a manner that prepares you to worship with both body and soul. The way we dress affects our mental state – no one puts on formal attire if they want to relax! – so you should ask yourself, “What kind of clothing will best prepare me to receive God’s word and respond to it with reverence and joy?” Using wisdom, some may decide to wear jeans and others, a shirt and tie.

What do you offer for children?

Ideally, we like to have children in our worship services, since God’s covenant extends to the children of believers and God uses preaching to bring them to a mature faith.

But we also recognize that many parents and children are not ready for this step. Therefore, we have a “cry room”, where moms can take children that are restless or need to be fed. It is right next to the room in which we meet. The room has glass doors and a speaker system, so you can still see and hear the service without being heard.

During our second morning service, the Catechism Service, we hold a Kids’ Catechism Class for those who are school-aged. Over the course of 30-minutes, the children are led through a responsive liturgy, work on some memorization, and have a few activities.