Nurture 2022: Christian parenting conference

Friday, August 12, 2022

6-8pm at 3620 Epley Lane, Cincinnati

The Lord has given Christian parents an awesome opportunity and responsibility to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. This means holistic discipleship of their head, heart, and hands.

How can we undertake this intimidating – yet exciting – task with faithfulness and wisdom, especially as the world vies for their affections? How can we teach our children well?

You’re invited to join us for an evening that promises to be informative, encouraging, and empowering.

This year’s guest speaker will be the Rev. Brad Peppo. After working as a Christian school teacher and an attorney, Brad entered the ministry and has been a church planter in SW Ohio. But he has also remained heavily involved in Christian education and is currently working to start Reformation Classical Academy in Dayton, serving as both a board and faculty member.

Talk 1. “Why we teach”
Talk 2. “Why we teach what we teach”

Our own pastors will also give a brief presentation on the practice of catechizing children in the home.

Childcare will be provided for younger children. Reach out if you have any questions.


John Calvin and the Sacramental Word