Our Leadership

Jesus Christ is the supreme and only Head of the Church.  He doesn’t merely teach us what to believe and do in our personal lives but also much about structuring and governing His Church.  Whereas many churches have adopted a leadership model that resembles the business-world, where the pastor functions like a CEO, we recognize the importance that Christ places upon mutual accountability. The Bible teaches that there be a plurality of elders to rule, a minister to preach, and deacons to serve.  Further, both the Bible and church history inform us that it is not good for a church to operate independently. Therefore, we find further accountability and wisdom in our ecclesiastical ties. Our regional assembly is called Classis Eastern U.S. and our denomination, the United Reformed Churches in North America.

Minister - Zac Wyse

Elders - Eric Admiraal, Donn Rubingh

Deacons - Mark Grubbs, Ray Brinker, Jonathan Speicher

We also have officers serving within our two church plants.

Madison Reformed Church (Indiana)

Minister - Collin Welch

Deacons - Jonathan Geary and John Young

Christ Reformed Church (Florence, Kentucky)

Minister - Brandon Burks

Elder - Neil Smal

These officers called Zachary Wyse (pictured above with his family) to continue his service at Ascension Reformed Church. Pastor Zac is from Stryker, Ohio and a graduate of Miami University (Zoology, B.S.).  Though he grew up as a regular churchgoer, he was converted in college. After spending five years serving campus fellowships in Europe, he attended Westminster Seminary California (M.Div, 2013) and was ordained to the office of Minister in November of 2013. He is especially zealous to encourage further church planting in the Cincinnati Metro area and further afield.