Our Story

Church Plant (2012-2018)

We are still a young church, but with the benefit of hindsight we can see how God drew us together. He did this by separately leading several of our families to a knowledge of Reformed theology, which made them long for a church that would embrace Reformed confessions and worship. At the same time, our founding pastor, Zac Wyse, was growing increasingly interested in the idea of starting a Reformed church in southwest Ohio. In Fall 2012, a small group of us got together to meet and discuss this venture.  In January 2013, it became apparent that God’s hand was blessing this work when they met others who were excited to see a Reformed church in the Westside. This prompted Zeltenreich Reformed Church to offer its oversight and support.

Only a few months later, in July 2013, we began worshiping together under the name “Westside Reformed Church.” Over the span of about five years, we grew numerically and spiritually and added elders and deacons. In early 2019, we became a self-governing church.

Young Church in a Senior Center (2019-2024)

Shortly after we became self-governing, we had to move out of our first rental facility. Thankfully, we quickly found a home in the Green Township Senior Center. This time has been significant in a number of ways: (i) we have planted three churches: Madison, IN, Indianapolis, and Florence, KY; (ii) we grew from fifty members to seventy, (iii) we located a permanent home in an unexpected place, Uptown.

Becoming Rooted for the Gospel (2024-2025)

We never expected to leave the Westside behind, but after spending nearly four years looking for a church home, we decided to consider Cincinnati’s Uptown. In less than 24-hours, we were in conversation with Mount Auburn Baptist Church. They were preparing to dissolve and wanted their building to remain a place of Christian worship. We will spend about one year getting the property ready for use and expect to move in on April 1, 2025.

Please, consider becoming a part of our unfolding story.  You can do this by praying for us, supporting us financially, or visiting us.